Sunday, April 7, 2013

warm weather pleeaase get here!

I have never in my life been more ready for Spring. And I think it's finally here to stay!! It has been so hard to find (free) things to do as a family. When my husband is home, it's hard for him to relax and have quality time with us at the house because he can't jolt himself out of "work mode". And it's so easy to just turn the TV on.

I could feel myself reaching a wall last week...but then the weekend got here and we spent Friday and Saturday outside, going on walks, etc and it was exactly what I needed.

My biggest fear at the moment, and something that I have said to my husband is that, I fear when he gets overwhelmed and stressed out (work-related), we won't be on his list of escape options. I fear his initial desire will be to get out of the house and need space. Don't get me wrong, I am all about giving him some space when he needs it....but when he's just stressed out about work or finances, I want him to see spending time with us as a release from all that. I want us to feel part of the solution, not the problem. I don't want to feel lumped into his obligations.

Anyways, I'm hoping that this warm weather will open up those doors that enable us to spend more time together without a computer of TV around. More time spent getting exercise and having conversations.

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