Sunday, April 21, 2013

the calm

well, things have been pretty quiet. no recent meltdowns or epiphanies.

i am, however, falling more and more in love with her. i feel like i have finally reached the place where i genuinely love spending time with her...all my time. i find myself, less and less, needing to escape it all. that feels good. i was worried for a while that i might be missing that mom gene.

she is very close to crawling so in a way i feel like this is the calm before the next big transition. therefore i'm trying to really enjoy these last weeks without her being mobile because i know that will come with a whole set of new challenges.

the first 6 months were so non-stop overwhelming that it's been really nice to have down time. from 7-8 months i feel like i had time to ease into a comfort zone a little bit and reboot.

we have had 3 nights now where she has spent the night with my in-laws, so that's been really nice...just to have that as an option. the only struggle with that is trying not to have crazy expectations. I subconsciously decide that any night away from her has to be the best night of my life, which is ridiculous. but it just happens and often i end up going to bed a little disappointed. obviously the more i am able to go out the less of a rarity it will be and my expectations will adjust.

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