Sunday, February 3, 2013

now and then

no new revelations to point out at the moment, but i'm afraid if i don't keep up with posting then i'll eventually quit.

so i thought i could inform you a little about my story.

I married my next door neighbor whom i met when i was 17. We were married by the time i was 22. and i was pregnant by 27. My husband is a DJ. He didn't become a DJ until the first year or so into being married. Needless to say, that made for an interesting and quite adventure-filled marriage. Extreme highs and extreme lows....which i would say is an accurate definition of any marriage.

2008-2012 was a continuous series of late nights full of friends, dancing, sweating, drinking, and terrible 3am food choices. It was fun...and exhausting and after a while we were ready for the next thing. "Ready" being the operative word. I knew I would never really be ready for a kid so we just rolled the dice and waited to see what would happen.

I found out I was pregnant on December 13th 2012. Even though I knew it was a huge possibility, I was still so shocked when that stick had two lines. I immediately began the long process of preparing for the shift that my life would soon take.....a process i fear i will be in forever.

He is still a DJ and I think will be for some time. I still get to go out every once in a while but of course there is this looming sense of responsibility hanging over me all of the time. Since she is still a baby it's easy to have her on our late night schedule...but it's going to have to change soon and I am currently wondering  how all of that is going to work itself out. One day at a time, I guess.

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