Monday, May 6, 2013

babies, babies, and more babies!

It is insane the number of people I know that are currently pregnant. 4 of which are due in the next 3 weeks. I have been trying to host small get-togethers so that they can all meet each-other. I didn't have any pregnant friends while I was, so I thought it would be helpful for them to know not just other moms, but other women going through the same thing at the same time.

I was reading through old blogs today and it was blowing my mind how much I'm really starting to forget about how hard the first 6 months were. It's not that I don't remember, it's more like I can't emotionally relate to it anymore. When I was in the middle of it, I had never experienced anything so all-consuming. Now that I am about to have so many moms with newborns around...I find myself feeling some of that heaviness in anticipation for what they are all about to experience.

I am overwhelmed by my desire to help them in any way I can. To be a support system physically, emotionally, and mentally. I haven't felt this passionate about something in a long time. Not to mention my excitement for finally having some (new) mom friends!!

So i dedicate this post to all the ladies I know about to pop these little ones out: Margaret, Emily, Deanna, Whitney, Paige, Tamara, Liz...and Stephanie ( who's little one is only a couple weeks old)! I can't wait to share in this journey with all of you and please please please let me help you in any way I can.

Love to all.

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