Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The first of the first

Well, it happened. My tiny baby is not a tiny baby anymore. She turned a year old yesterday. The big first. The first of the first. Her party isn't until this weekend but we did go out last night and she opened some presents and ate a cupcake. We spent the morning watching old videos of her being born and our time in the hospital.
Its hard to remember her looking like she did then. Its hard remembering how every little noise she made was the most amazing thing I had ever heard. And now here we are, anticipating her first steps.

I was watching Sex and the City the other night, the one where Miranda's baby turns 1...they were all singing happy birthday and I had a meltdown realizing that I would be singing happy birthday for the first time in my life to my own child. Then I cried the night before yesterday just looking through old pictures of her. Surprisingly yesterday I was a little more emotionally removed. I was also very tired and a tad irritable. But then it snuck up on me again....

I hadn't realized that she would be old enough to actually react to her presents. My in-laws got her a stuffed Lambchop doll that talks. They have the puppet version at their house so she already knows who Lambchop is...I let her pull it out of the bag and she got the biggest smile on her face and then gave him a kiss...then proceeded to use him as a pillow and laid on my chest. I almost died due to my heart exploding out of my chest. I teared up and quickly got it together. The whole restaurant sang happy birthday to her, it was awesome. And then she quickly inhaled the mini (well, 2) cupcakes. It was a good day.

What a bright light she me and the rest of the world. Cannot wait to see what God has in store for her.

Happy First Birthday sweet girl!!! I'm so excited to share in this life journey with you, growing together, molding each other, unconditionally loving one another, butting heads, fighting it out, healing from heart aches, suffering disappointments, seeing the silver linings, and making it to the other side.

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